Wednesday 11 September 2019

Polyethylene Packing Foam for Proper Cushioning Of Your Products

No matter how sturdy the corrugated or cardboard box you are using for the packaging of your product, proper cushioning is something you cannot afford to ignore. The reason is that the impact of shock can cause the items in the box to collide with each other and with the walls of the box. In this scenario, you can take help from polyethylene foam cushioning.

The difference between polyethylene foam and polyurethane foam is that the polyethylene is denser as compared to polyurethane. If you are packaging and shipping electronic products, you can get ESD or anti-static form of polyethylene foam.

Polyethylene foam is quite durable and it is difficult to tear. Another ability of this foam is that it resists dust. This capability makes the foam an ideal packaging material to be used in the bigger packaging facilities.

Polyethylene foam is highly resistant to water due to its close cell structure. While shipping electronic products, you need to make sure that the packaging is water resistant. Cardboard and corrugated boxes can dissolve easily in water. However, a full cover of polyethylene foam over the product can keep the water from damaging the product. As a matter of fact, this foam is quite capable of resisting chemicals and even grease from coming contact with the electronic products.

Another characteristic of polyethylene foam is that it can resist shocks in an amazing way. The structure of this foam has good capability to dampen vibrations. This ability along with the ability to resist water makes the polyethylene foam an ideal option for the delicate products which must reach their destination without getting damaged.

There are different forms in which the polyethylene foam is manufactured. The most popular forms include bun-shape and large rolls. You can get this foam in the form of your choice.

The major reason polyethylene foam is preferred by packagers is that it can absorb extreme shocks when the package is on the way to its destination. It can survive bumps and falls. There are different densities in which the polyethylene foam is produced. The densities range from 1.2 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) to 9 pcf. With this range of densities, the polyethylene foam can be used for the protection of just about any product.

After reading the features of polyethylene foam described above, you may wonder if this foam is ideal for the product packaging at your packaging facility. One thing that you are going to have to keep in mind is that you lose the control over packaging as soon as it is dispatched to the customer. In that scenario, only proper cushioning is something which can help you ensure safer delivery of your product. And, so, polyethylene foam has that complete capability.

Importance of a Packaging Inventory Management System

It is quite important to pay attention to the packaging inventory management because poor management in this regard can lead to a number of troubles for your business in general and more specifically the shipping mechanism. And even if you are able to ensure timely delivery of packages in presence of a poor packaging inventory management mechanism, the overall procedure might become a quite expensive.

You don’t want to order too much of the stock for your warehouse in order to avoid running out of the supplies. Therefore, it is quite important to focus on what and how you need the specific items. Now, keeping a check on supplies while overseeing the amount of supplies used on daily or weekly basis can be a tough ask. But good news is that there are packaging inventory management systems available to help you keep a check on everything. The major advantage of this approach is that you are not going to end up running short of most important supplies or overstocking the supplies which you do not need quite frequently.

Now, we are going to discuss some of the advantages of Packaging Inventory Management System.

Less information to manage
Dealing with the warehouse inventory manually is nothing less than a challenge for the workers because they also have to keep a check on the stock levels. Even the most careful manual entries can lead to major confusions which can slow down the packing and shipping process. With the help of Packaging inventory management system, the information about stock levels is updated instantly. This way, you are able to keep a check on the stock levels on real time basis.

Pay only for what you need
In an attempt to avoid running out of the stocks, warehouse managers can end up ordering for the supplies which they might not need. That makes up a huge cost which is never beneficial for the business. With the help of an inventory management system, you get to know about the supplies which you need on urgent basis. Thus, you order for only what you need.

Stock level update
In order to be updated about the level of stocks, there is huge work of counting and updating the numbers that you need to do if you are considering doing things manually. With the help of a computerized inventory management system, you can retrieve information in any way you want.

Timely product deliveries
The reason there is a situation in which you are required to make a panic call to your sales rep is that your business is in trouble. However, you can ensure timely delivery of your products if your vendor knows well about the stock levels.